Lemon Greetings

September 30, 2022
Cascade Leggett

The lemon trees up the street are full of fruit
I steal 20 beauties in my mohair suit
I take them on impulse it seems to make sense
From a house where those lemons hang over the fence
I make marmalade jam with a plan of some sort
To deposit a jar back without being caught
The marmalade’s named with my sharpie pen
Then I drop the jar over the lemon fence when
A voice calls out ”Oi! So YOU took my fruit!
Well it’s OK ,lad, in your mohair suit
You’ve made my day as I used to have one
Many long years ago before your life begun
You young ones today can decide who to be
It wasn’t so easy for us back then you see
Had to dress like a girl which I hated when young
So I busked to get money from the songs that I sung
Had a mohair suit made and when it was done
That suit made me feel like my Dad’s big son
I read lots these days about gender and drag
And I’ve figured out now I am a transgender lad
I’m partial to marmalade so thanks for that
It’s been interesting having this nice little chat’
I didn’t live long in that part of town
And when I went back they were not around
The neighbour said ‘Oh he left some time ago
Kept to himself – where he went I don’t know.’
When the neighbour’s door closed and they couldn’t see me
I nicked twenty lemons from that lemon tree
Made more marmalade then I wrote on each jar
‘This one’s for you, lad, wherever you are’.